15 Dec Financing Clean Energy: Case Study of South Africa

The policy brief provides an overview of the South African renewable energy financing landscape, considering the increase in demand for sustainable and affordable energy, given the impact of climate change. It identifies several barriers which are holding back the effective implementation of renewable energy projects including the lack of clarity on the key roles, responsibilities of – and incentives for – the private sector in current national policies, plans and strategies, absence of data on the success and evaluation of previous green investments and the perceived high risks due to uncertain renewable energy subsidies. The brief also recognises the crucial role played by Eskom in ensuring a Just Transition towards decarbonisation. The note also contains strategic outlays of financing options for South Africa including risk management options. Finally, key lessons can be drawn which include key options for clean financing value chains and innovative strategies to catalyze private investment.
Document Type: Policy Brief
Region: Southern Africa
Country: South Africa
Topics: Climate Change, Energy, Finance